Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thoughts on President Obama's quasi-State of the Union

So far... meh... I mean the speech isn't over yet, but I'm not experiencing the supposed soaring feeling one gets when listening to President Barack Obama. (Or as Chris Matthews likes to say the "thrill running up his leg.")

It sort of typifies what has been going on since he was inagaurated though. The president is trying to reach across the isle while playing CYA and Congressional Democrats are hyper partisans wanting to rub the Bush administration in the eye even after the former President has left office.

Example? The President kept saying, "deficit we inherited," and at one point the Democrats cheered triumphantly. Nevermind this President and this Congress have already ran up the deficit about as much as President Bush did during his entire second term, they're still in love with the idea that Democrats are the fiscally responsible ones...

We'll have to see if Obama The Great's entrence is as triumphant in two years time when giving a real State of the Union address, but for now this is looking like a bunch of pompt and circumstance with not a whole lot of substance behind it.

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